Criminals Pretending to be WHO Phishing Scam


Criminals Pretending to be WHO Phishing Scam :

Hackers and cyber scammers are taking advantage of this pandemic (COVID-19)  by sending fraudulent emails and WhatsApp messages that attempt to trick you into clicking on malicious links or opening attachments.  
These actions can reveal your user name and password, which can be used to steal money or sensitive information. 
If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.
The World Health Organization will:
never ask for your username or password to access safety information
never email attachments you didn’t ask for
never ask you to visit a link outside of 
never charge money to apply for a job, register for a conference, or reserve a hotel
never conduct lotteries or offer prizes, grants, certificates or funding through email

The only call for donations WHO has issued is the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, which is linked below.  Any other appeal for funding or donations that appears to be from WHO is a SCAM.  
You can verify if communication is legit by contacting WHO directly.
Contact WHO
Report a scam 
Phishing: malicious emails and messages appearing to be from WHO
WHO is aware of suspicious email messages attempting to take advantage of the COVID-19 emergency. This fraudulent action is called phishing.
These “Phishing” emails appear to be from WHO and will ask you to:
give sensitive information, such as usernames or passwords
click a malicious link
open a malicious attachment.
Using this method, criminals can install malware or can steal your sensitive information.

How to prevent phishing:

1. Check their email address.
Make sure the sender has an email address such as ‘’
If there is anything other than ‘’ after the ‘@’ symbol, then the sender is not from WHO.  That is WHO does not send emails from addresses ending in ‘’, ‘’ or ‘
Beware, however, that even an email address with the correct domain name may not be from WHO.  Criminals can forge the "From" address on email messages to make them appear to be from ‘’. Please follow the steps from 2 to 6 below to prevent phishing.
WHO is implementing a new email security control called Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) to prevent this type of impersonation.
2. Check the link before you click.  
Make sure the link starts with ‘’.  Better still, navigate to the WHO website directly, by typing ‘’ into your browser. 
3. Be careful when providing personal information. 
Always consider why someone wants your information and if it is appropriate. There is no reason someone would need your username & password to access public information.
4. Do not rush or feel under pressure. 
Cybercriminals use emergency situations (say) this COVID-19 pandemic, to get people to make decisions quickly, without having any second thought. Always take time to think about a request if it is of personal information, whether the request is appropriate or not.
5. If you give sensitive information, don’t panic.  
If you believe you have given data such as your username or passwords to cybercriminals, immediately change your credentials on each site where you have used them.

If any cyber crime or any frauds happened to anyone then report to : 
Follow us on Instagram for more updates.

If you have any questions/queries, do not hesitate to contact me.

If anyone is interested to start their career in hacking, AI ( Artificial Intelligences ), Crypto technology then join in TCA ( The Cyber Agents) this platform gives you more knowledge and more information about these things:



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